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IS6102A— A new choice for E-Fuse that helps the server to be safe and reliable and has multiple protections.


In today's highly digital and data-driven era, the data center is expanding at an unprecedented speed and depth. As the key infrastructure to support this technological revolution, servers and communication equipment play an important role in dealing with complex algorithms and massive data.

In order to ensure the stability and high efficiency of the data center, a large number of high-power input power supplies are needed to support the simultaneous operation of multiple computing systems. In this complex environment, users need to ensure that effective over-current protection isolation is established between the main power supply and the subsystem to prevent local faults from affecting the normal operation of the whole system.

As a disposable protection element, the traditional fuse is faced with some problems, such as slow response speed, over-current protection point being easily affected by the ambient temperature, and single protection function, which can't meet the demand of fast circuit protection when the server runs at high frequency. In contrast, E-Fuse uses electronic control to realize fast response and precise protection, which supports the detection and cut-off of output in nanosecond level, thus effectively preventing damage to other equipment or data loss caused by current overload or short circuit; And get rid of the high-cost maintenance and complex selection problems caused by the self-destruction protection of thermal fuse, and have richer functions such as programmable, self-recovery and diagnosis, which significantly reduces the cost of users in the design and maintenance stage.

Inovision Semiconductor's latest IS6102A 15A E-Fuse supports wide voltage input of 4.5V-16V, and internally integrates the lowest 3mΩ power MOS and various monitoring and protection modules. Users can preset the protection configuration to control the chip state. In case of abnormality, IS6102A can quickly control the turn-off of the field effect transistor (FET) to ensure that the current and voltage are effectively limited to a safe level in case of circuit failure.

High precision current detection

The demand for high-power GPU\DPU and other complex loads is a big challenge in the design of data center power supply. IS6102A provides high-precision current monitoring function (IMON), which can convert the current flowing through FET into voltage signal with high precision and feed it back to power management, achieving 3% current monitoring accuracy (within the range of 6A < Io < 15A), effectively enhancing the power supply system's ability to control the load and current.

     Support Hot plug and self-recovery applications

Once the traditional fuse trips, it usually needs to shut down the whole system, and it can be re-energized after the fuse is blown out. In multi-equipment applications such as data processing and operation, the power failure of the whole machine may lead to the loss of operation data, and the cost of downtime maintenance in some applications is extremely high.

IS6102A supports automatic recovery after transient fault conditions, so as to reduce downtime and risk of operational interruption and prolong the service life of equipment. When continuous faults occur, it supports monitoring and abnormal reporting, users can quickly diagnose the causes, assist maintenance personnel to quickly locate abnormal points, and significantly save troubleshooting time and labor costs.

For the failure that cannot be self-recovered or the need to repair the extended equipment parts, the Hot plug of IS6102A can set the adjustable insertion delay time through the peripheral devices, so as to avoid excessive frequency and voltage at the moment of insertion, and prevent the breakdown damage of equipment and bus interference.

The picture shows the hot plug waveform of IS6102A.

At the same time, IS6102A has built-in adjustable soft-start rate module, and users can set different start-up rates according to their needs, which can effectively restrain surge current and better protect back-end components.

The picture shows the schematic diagram of the soft start rate of IS6102A.

More compact and higher utilization rate

IS6102A is packaged in 3 mm x 5 mm 22 Pin QFN, which has higher current density, richer functions, faster and more accurate turn-off speed, and provides high reliability and consistent protection performance compared with Fuse. Its programmable characteristics make it suitable for a variety of complex load and high device density application scenarios, with high cost performance.

Faster fault response

IS6102A not only has the functions of hot plug and surge protection, but also supports the detection and quick response of front-end and back-end fault states.

In order to avoid the shutdown caused by short circuit or overload of upstream power supply and devices, IS6102A can ensure that the chip can work normally within the current limit preset by the user while power is off. The maximum current limit of E-Fuse is set through the ISET pin. When the current exceeds the set value, the chip will quickly control the FET to enter the variable resistance area, limit the current and perform fault timing. If the current returns to normal within the timing, it is considered as OC RECOVER after a temporary fault. On the contrary, if the current fails to drop below the set value after the timer ends, the chip will be pulled low through the fault reporting pin, and the OCP will be quickly cut off.

The picture shows the overcurrent schematic diagram of IS6102A.

The picture shows the measured OCP waveform of IS6102A.

When the downstream device is short-circuited, the current instantly increases to a very high value. In order to prevent large current from affecting upstream devices, IS6102A supports fast overcurrent protection (SCP) within 200ns. If it is judged to be a temporary fault, the chip will try to start with current limiting after a period of time. Continued SCP will cause the chip to LATCH OFF and enter the fault shutdown state.

The picture shows the schematic diagram of SCP measured waveform of IS6102A.

In addition, IS6102A integrates all-round fault detection and protection functions, including input overvoltage protection (OVP) and overtemperature protection (OTP), so as to respond to faults quickly, reduce the possibility of the system being affected by fault conditions, and reduce maintenance cost and troubleshooting difficulty.


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